At a time when the present is testing for artists and the future uncertain, it is essential to unite. To unite to support each other, to discover, to inspire and get inspired, to share. From this desire, the initiative of a group of choreographers is born: Le Cercle, International Network of Choreographers – Africa and Diaspora.
It is a beautiful collective initiative of about forty choreographers from Africa and the Diaspora.
After exchanges and observations, together they have created a group, a virtual space for a community of artists. They invite all the African and Afrodescendant dancers and choreographers to meet each other, encouraging generations to discover each other.
The aim is to bring the group together, to see the community grow, where everyone has their place, where each member can participate and contribute.
The meeting will be held monthly. The direction will rotate: every 3 months, 2 different speakers, designated by their colleagues, will take over with various proposals.
For these first three months, the directors of two key dance venues in Africa will start.
Salia Sanou is a dancer, choreographer and director of the choreographic development center La Termitière in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Patrick Acogny is pedagogue, dancer and artistic director of the École des Sables in Senegal.
On the program for the next sessions: an artistic meeting, a chronicle of news from the dance community, a performance.
The first session took place at the end of August and is promising.
The diaspora is in the spotlight with the interview of the choreographer, teacher and researcher Lena Blou from Guadeloupe by the choreographer Julie Dossavi from Benin.
The wonderful testimony of a pioneer: Lena Blou tells us about her journey, explains her approach to theorize Caribbean dances and the techni’ka, dance technique she developed. The researcher tells her struggle to defend and rehabilitate Caribbean culture. She also shares her experience as a choreographer in the West Indies and what the insular constraint implies.
It is then time for Salia Sanou to speak and unveil the beautiful ambitions of CDC La Termitìere in Ouaga: the construction of a second dance studio and the rehabilitation of the outdoor theater built by President Thomas Sankara in the 80s. An avalanche of good news indeed, for the choreographic center, for Burkina Faso, for Africa and for the world of dance. The first stone of a space dedicated to learning and creating as La Termitière is offering training and artist residencies. The rebirth of a space for live performance with an undeniable historical weight!

Finally, before letting the participants of Le Cercle express themselves, it is time for the performance. If the internet network will not have allowed us to fully appreciate the intervention of Agathe Djokam, it will have introduced to all the choreographer from Cameroon. A young talent who already has several awards to her credit, the hip hop dancer brings a fresh and powerful energy and invites all members to create and move forward despite the current situation!
From Senegal to Martinique through France and Cameroon, this first (re)union leaves us energized and inspired. In conclusion, Le Cercle is a space more than recommended for all dancers and choreographers from Africa and the Diaspora!
Join Le Cercle now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/370737840576259
Save the date!
Next session will be held on September 29th