As part of the Lomé+ exhibition, commissioned by the Togolese architect and anthropologist Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou, the rapper Elom20ce presents the documentary Aux Impossibles Imminents, a series of 6 portraits of inhabitants of the Togolese capital, which illustrate one of the titles of his new album ‘Amewuga’.
A prolific Togolese and pan-African activist, Elom20ce celebrates his land, his culture and his people. Music, documentaries, photography, fashion, installations, social networks, for the artist, each medium is worth exploring to showcase the continent, its people, their skills…
Through the documentary series Aux Impossibles Imminents, we walk, drive, explore, fly over the capital of Togo. In each 13-minute episode, we meet a character, real, discreet and emblematic at the same time; a poetic anti-hero.
Blacky, Mawuto, Yawo, Kezita, Lex and Bertha share, without artifice, their reality, their history, their battles and their dreams. Street vendor and skater, Zemidjan soccer player (motorcycle cab), beautician and artist, gravedigger, entrepreneur and motorcyclist, porter, so many jobs that make the city of Lomé, animates it, shapes it.
Thanks to their testimonies, it is questions of society, values and politics that are tackled… and thus the concerns of employment, mobility, environment…
It is with great accuracy and benevolence that Elom20ce gives voice to a resilient population that aspires to a better world, that imagines impossible futures that are so close at hand, futures that germinate in the minds and remain to be created.
At a challenging time when African cities are booming, when countries are urbanizing at an accelerated pace… In the digital age, at a time when the future is uncertain and the pandemic is very present, this documentary series screened in Togo and now available on Youtube (english subtitles now available), takes a faithful and sensitive look at a reality that is too often made invisible.
The artist Elom20ce pursues his struggle and takes up the challenge with brio: to share his vision of the city and that of its inhabitants, in a sincere, true and unadulterated way. A digital stroll and beautiful encounters, while waiting for the borders to reopen to travel to Lomé!